Fascinating Dachshund Breed Statistics For 2021

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two chocolate dachshunds Cover

Dachshunds are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world and are winning people’s hearts with their funny looks and bigger-than-life personalities. 

But what is the real owner’s experience of living with these extraordinary dogs? Are dachshunds easy to handle? Do they require a lot of attention? Are sausage dogs couch potatoes, or do they always need exercise?  

We’ve surveyed 215 dachshund owners over a 3 month period to answer the most popular questions about the breed. We hope you’ll benefit as much from the discoveries of our research as we have!

The best way to help your dachshund live longer?
Watch our video to find out!

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Dachshund lovers, you are very welcome to use the statistics we have collected through our study. In exchange we kindly ask that you provide a link back to Sausagedogworld.com. This link can either be direct to this page or the website’s homepage.


44% of dachshund owners said they would prefer to have two dachshunds rather than one.

Dachshund Breed Statistics

Nearly one-third (31%) of the owners said that their dachshunds are ultimate watchdogs and tend to bark excessively.

Dachshund Breed Statistics

One out of four people noticed their dachshunds had spinal problems throughout their lives, with 27% of the cases resulting in surgery.

Dachshund Breed Statistics

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of the owners said their dachshunds have high energy levels and need a considerable amount of exercise.

Dachshund Breed Statistics

One out of three dachshund owners admits their doxies are big eaters and will eat almost anything.

Dachshund Breed Statistics

More than a quarter (27%) of people note that their dachshunds sleep too much.

Dachshund Breed Statistics

More than two-thirds (69%) of the owners say that dachshunds are great with children.

Dachshund Breed Statistics

78% of dachshund owners say their dachshunds need little grooming with an occasional bath.

Dachshund Breed Statistics

9 in 10 dachshund owners admit that dachshunds are perfect apartment dogs.

Dachshund Breed Statistics

We have also asked the dachshunds owners how much they spend on their weiner dogs annually, including food, toys, pet accessories, insurance, and vet bills.
Here what we found:…

Dachshund Breed Statistics

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